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Moo Moo Creator Onboarding

The Moo Moo platform is proud to help creators connect with customers to spread the Subaru Love Moovement. Creators are either independent companies, or individuals that have been vetted by the Moo Moo team. If there are abuse reports of any format, the creator in question will be removed immediately for the safety of the Moo Moo community.

Please read the entirety of this page before subscribing. MooMoo team needs to ensure creators are prepared to handle high scale sales prior to joining the platform for the safety of our users. Once approved, subscribe and you'll be added to the page with the ability to post about new products, specials etc on the Facebook group page.

**Once approved; please do not spam the group or try to overshadow other creators, let the products speak for themselves.

We offer 2 types of creator onboarding scenarios:

#1: I'm a creator WITHOUT a pre-existing storefront:
You can setup a creator storefront with our Stripe backend for payments. Contact Matt Sesno on Facebook for approval, to receive a unique Signup link to your creator account. Once your account exists we can drop products in directly to the creator hub for sale. Stripe direct platform fees are 2.9% + $.30 per transaction, fees are fully customizable as desired.

facebook group

#2: I'm a creator WITH a pre-existing storefront:
We can link to your existing store with any of the tiers below. Moo Moo offers these subscription tiers in order to allow smaller businesses to grow over time. We request transparency on your monthly revenue for proper tier assignment. Contact Matt Sesno on the Facebook group to be approved, then you may subscribe to have your store info added.

subscribe facebook

Please find the following subscription options below, for Creators with existing storefronts:

Image Description Subscribe
Creator - Red
For businesses flows of $1-$1000/mo
Creator - Green
For business flows of $1,000-$5,000/mo
Creator - Purple
For business flows of $5,000-$10,000/mo
Creator - Blue
For business flows of $10,000/mo+

creator hub →
Stripe Vendor Portal